Sunday, April 7, 2019

Time to Enjoy GOLD and Prepare to Go Home

Day 73-79; Mon-Sun, April 1-7, 2019

All settled at the marina, we will be here one week. Then? Home in a day!! 
View to the dock.

View to the very nice marina office, clubhouse facility
View out to the waterway

First up is picking up a rental car at the airport so Rip can go retrieve our truck and trailer from Punta Gorda Florida. Rip left early Monday morning, leaving Cally and I on the boat by ourselves. We didn't even get into much trouble. Rip drove straight to Punta Gorda and dopped off the one way rental at the airport. Doug, where we stored the truck and trailer, picked Rip up and took him to them. Rip turned right around and headed north. He got just south of Ocala, FL before stopping for the night. He was back at the boat by 1pm on Tuesday. 
Exhausted, but back on the boat with us. 
Someone was crazy excited to see her daddy...

We are at St Johns Yacht Harbour Marina. While Rip was away, I did a mountain of laundry. And, if you have to do laundry at a marina...this is my favorite place.

Only $1 per machine and commercial size!!

Not sure who would use an ironing board, but sure is nice to have the sink and lots of folding space!!
Now, Wed, it is time to start prepping the boat for going home on the trailer. The dinghy has to come off, be deflated and stowed in the truck bed. The antennas and radar mast must be lowered and secured. Many, many more things to be stowed. Lists will be made.

Radar mast and antennas in their down position ready to travel
Thursday was sight seeing day... We drove around Charleston SC. It was a beautiful day to be out. Rip drove Cally and I around Charleston so I could see some of the downtown Charleston area. We went to the Battery, White Point Park, the Waterfront Park, Rainbow Row and by the City Market. 

Lots of horse drawn tour carriages made travel slow through the narrow streets

Then out to Sullivan's Island where we found one of the most boring lighthouses ever. I didn't know there were ugly lighthouses. Worst yet, there was so much traffic and no parking, so I couldn't get to the beach easily.

Then out to Angel Tree Park - home of the famous, historic Angle Tree Oak. 
The Angel Oak Tree is estimated to be in excess of 400-500 years old, stands 66.5 ft (20 m) tall, measures 28 ft (8.5 m) in circumference, and produces shade that covers 17,200 square feet (1,600 m2). From tip to tip Its longest branch distance is 187 ft.  There is considerable debate about the age of the Angel Oak.  Some contend that it is 1,500 years old.  Most believe that the more conservative estimates are more accurate.

Friday was more prep work, blog work and dinner out at the Tattooed Moose. I had the "Thanksgiving Sammy" (Roasted turkey, cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, mayo, and crispy fried onions on toasted wheat served with a side of gravy for dippin'!) NOT Paleo and I ate the whole thing without taking a picture!!  Huge sandwiches, but they are famous for their Duck Fries. Skinny potato fries cooked in duck fat. Just tasted like reg fries to me. But, here is the funky restaurant.

Tomorrow looms large, as we'll haul the boat at a ramp about 6 miles from the marina and will be strapped down for towing home. Lots of work for Rip. I will play pet sitter with Cally while he tools away. It bugs me not to be able to help, but we cannot leave Cally in the car alone and there is light rain forecast. We will update on the progress home in the next post...after we have a bit of time to unpack and decompress. Oh, and to get my land legs back.

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