Thursday, July 27, 2017

Snug Harbor Dinghy Tour

Day 98 ... Thursday, July 27, 2017 ... Snug Harbor, Parry Sound
Went on a dinghy tour of the anchorage area with Firestorm and the pups. It is a beautiful sunny day ... just  a bunch of random pics.
My Captain

a cut off the anchorage to a house and small bay

smelling the fresh air

Lab Partners with her rocky back drop

cottage on the rock top

pretty rock edge

another cut off the anchorage

running buddies from Firestorm

water is so clear and the rocks are so close

rocks everywhere

one side is smooth rock, while the other is jagged edges

T/T Firestorm passing the entrance to Snug Harbor

town dock at Snug Harbor

entrance into Snug Harbor

Gilley's Restaurant ... dinner tonight!!

Gilley's has a little convenience store
Cally is waiting for Rip to come out

leaving Gilley's & the store

another cut off the anchorage

as we were finishing our dinghy tour ... Imagine, Too shows
Have not seen them since Half Moon Bay on the Hudson

Because of her ankles issues ... Cally sits so funny
Here, with her arthritis she sits with back legs are more straight than most dogs

the scenery is stunning in this anchorage
what a great day for a birthday