Sunday, August 13, 2017

Amendroz Island

Day 115 … Sunday, Aug 13, 2017 …16.7 miles; 2 hours

Little Current to Amendroz Island, North Channel

The plan was to go to Croaker Island or the Benjamin Islands where fellow Loopers were already. Amendroz (1)The winds picked up more than Amendroz (3)predicted and from a direction making the Benjamin Islands a tougher place to anchor. We spotted an Active Captain short of anchorage with good protection from the wind.Amendroz (11)Amendroz (14)

Not as dramatic a scene as prior Amendroz (15)anchorages, but pretty and only 3 boats (Lab Partners, buddy boat Firestorm & a third little tug from Canada). Bonus, there was a beach to swim Cally.

Scenery under way today …

Amendroz (4)Amendroz (5)Amendroz (7)

Amendroz (6)

A quiet night was quite enjoyable. Little did we know we need the rest.