Mon March 4, 2019
Titusville FL to Daytona Beach FL
52.95 miles. ... 5.5 hours
After a nice restful stay in Titusville, it was time to move north again. An uneventful trip is always a good thing.
Interesting house we passed. Not your typical FL water front home.
Shallow water was never far
After a stop at the fuel dock, we slipped into our shot for the night. And right across the fairway from past neighbors and friends Dave and Jane Gammons.
Our slip was nice and close to the shower facilities and by a long wandering path for walking Cally.
Jane and Dave stopped by to say hi. Then invited us to have a drink in their boat. We had read about all the work Dave had done and enjoyed the tour.
Then off to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. We enjoyed their company,conversation and the food. A short stop of only one night but a fun stop.