Tuesday, October 17, 2017

On to Columbus Marina (Columbus, MS) for a week to relax

Day 180 … Tues, Oct 17, 2017 … 24 miles; 3:20 hours

Blue Bluff Anchorage to Columbus Marina

It’s been 180 days or 6 months on the boat full time. WOW, not sure where the time has gone. Doesn’t seem like that long.

ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (1)

Today is a relatively short day, only 1 lock and it is right by the anchorage. the 3 boats plan to pull anchor around 8:30 if the lock is ready for us. One quick call and the lock says come on over. HOWEVER, we get there and wait & wait & wait. The doors are open, but the RED light is lit. Lock doesn’t answer calls to them on VHF. Finally they call us in. I guess it wasn’t a long wait, maybe 15 mins, but when the doors are open and no one answers … it seems like forever.

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Sights along the way today …

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Days 181-186 … Wed-Mon, Oct 18-23, 2017

A Week at Columbus Marina / 00 miles

ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (11)ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (29)ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (30)ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (12)

Traveling every day and anchoring out is fun, but tiring and leaves no time for chores. It’s travel, anchor & get the boat set, get Cally to shore, dinner, get Cally to shore again, sleep. SO … we are staying a week to get chores done without rushing and going to enjoy a little down time in-between chores.

My phone was not keeping a signal (cell or data) when Rip’s phone was (both Android, Samsung; but, Rip’s is newer model). One of the first priorities was to get a new phone for me and have time to get it set up and running correctly before we moved on the water again. ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (3)This time, I stepped to the dark side and got an iPhone!!! I love my iPad; time for an iPhone.

ColumbusMarina 17Oct23 (4)

Otherwise, we will do the normal marina stuff again – laundry, groceries, Rip cleaning and fine tuning our route (with plan A, B & C, etc.) for our next travel segment.