Day 70 & 71: Fri-Sat, March 29-30, 2019
Thunderbolt, GA to Beaufort, SC
46 miles … 5 hours traveled
Bad news... We woke to pea soup fog. I, Beth, do NOT like fog.
Great news... We also woke to Krispy Kreme Donuts delivered to the boat!!
It is tradition here at Thunderbolt Marina!! Think it had anything to do with why we stopped here??
It's a slow morning waiting for the fog to lift. The fog starts to lift and then settles back in. Supposed to lift by 8:30 but only started to lift by 9:30.
We thought the huge yacht by us was ready to get underway. Engines running... We didn't want to leave when she was leaving. Finally, we saw the Captain walk off the boat so we made our escape at 10:10am.
Georgia has been pretty, but it is a tad boring. Today we cross into SC. The last state we will enter before trailering home.
Several boat were catching up to us so Rip decided to run faster for a while and put distance between us. Once again the dang engine oil change alarm went off. Rip remembered the sequence of buttons to hit. However, it requires cutting off the engine. Rip does the reset quickly but we still drift into shallower water. Plenty deep enough for us to restart, move back to the channel and get back on our way. Pretty sure Rip is going to disable that alarm when we get home.
FINALLY...Dolphin play in our wake!!!
I may never take a other picture of dolphin...after this I will always be disappointed.
Several Loopers are here, including the infamous Herb of MV Phanthom. We first saw MV Phanthom in Dempolis, MS in 2017, but never saw Herb. We finally meet Herb in person.
Tadhana and crew took a mooring in the marina. Soon they were ashore and we all went for ice cream. Afterwards the dogs, and people, were rewarded with a wonderful long walk. Sights from the walk...
Tadhana left the next morning, much to Cally's disapproval. She gets the best walks when when Cristina, Tom and HRH Aurora, the Warrior Princess of Tadhana are in town. We last saw them in Sanford and will likely next see them at our home dock.
Hanging out at the dock is bad for boats and crew, but wow. When do you think they last left dock? Can you see the parrot on the shoulder?
We are 1.5 miles south of where we will "cross our wake". That is the spot in the water where we started The Great Loop and will, therefore, close our Loop; finishing The Great Loop.
We stayed at Beaufort, SC for two nights of resting up. Next up crossing our wake and then time to prep the boat and crew to trailer home.
The second night we were not sure where this cruise ship was going...looked like he was coming up by us. Cruise Ship got a little closer, then slide sideways into her berth along the wall of the park.