Saturday, August 5, 2017

Sportsman’s Inn, Killarney

Day 106 ... Sat, Aug 5, 2017 ... 15.05 miles; 2 hours
Mill Lake to Sportsman's Inn and Marina, Killarney, ON
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Short run of 14 miles or so. The first 10-11 in the small craft route, a protected channel. It is another dreary and windy day. The last 3 miles were open to the full force of the wind. Actually wasn’t a bad ride. HOWEVER, coming into the marina was another story.
WOW. Rough maneuvering for Rip to get the boat to her assigned slip. He did an excellent job. Just hope the winds subside soon!
Killarney 5Aug2017 (17)Killarney 5Aug2017 (18)Killarney 5Aug2017 (19)Killarney 5Aug2017 (22)
Then into Killarney at a resort marina for the night … A little 20170805_180455neighborhood to go walk, an ice cream shop and the famous Killarney 5Aug2017 (4)Fish & Chips restaurant, which we will try out tonight.
There is a Boat-In Theater here … a
large screen up in the trees. A movie is played each Killarney 5Aug2017 (20)night (weather permitting). 
You watch from your boat and listen to a specific FM frequency. OF COURSE, weather didn’t allow it to run while we were there.
A quick grocery run for some fresh produce and ICE CREAM was a nice walk by the waterfront.Killarney 5Aug2017 (3)