Day 116 … Monday, Aug 14, 2017 … 6.8 miles; 1:14 hours
Amendroz Island to Benjamin Islands, North Channel

One of the most beautiful anchorages we have been to, thus far in our travels. A beautiful day & a short cruise to a popular bay. We arrived by 11:30am with our pick of spots to anchor.
2 Loopers, Gypsie’s Palace & One Eye Dog were already there, having arrived yesterday.
Folks were our in their kayaks exploring the bay; but, too cold of water for me to take the SUP out. Steve, from GP, showed us a beach where we could swim Cally. 2 Paws up from Cally every time there is a beach!

All afternoon, more and more boats pulled in to anchor. We got there at the prefect time!
However, on sailboat really dropped his hook too close to us, especially if the predicted rain & wind came up. After some discussion between Captains … the sailboat finally moved a bit.
By 4:30, Rocktails had
commenced with 15+ boats represented on the large rock face with drinks and munchies in hand.

This place is so beautiful, we had decided to stay for 2 nights … but, that wasn’t gone to happen.