Day 223 … Wed, Nov 29, 2017 … 31.9 miles, 5 hours
Maximo Park to a mooring at Marina Jack’s, Sarasota, Fl
First up, we cross Tampa Bay; we only see the Sunshine Skyway Bridge from a distance.
Then another interesting day down the FICW. Lots to see on either bank and several bridges to go through.
I enjoy watching all the birds on the markers.
Our first choice of an anchorage next to a great park for Cally, was a bit too open & unprotected from winds, so we moved slightly south and took a mooring at Marina Jack’s in Sarasota. A mooring is a permanently anchor connected by chain to a large floating ball with a line attached. I needed to grab the line and secure it to the boat. That will hold us like putting an anchor down with out using our anchor. More boats fit when moored AND the marina can charge for the mooring.
I got it the first time, but the wind blew before I could secure it; SO, the captain had to maneuver us back to the ball again. Second time worked well. This was our first mooring; I have read lots of accounts of how many times it took (think an hour or two) to grab correctly AND tales of first mates going over board trying to grab the mooring ball line. First time out, not so bad.
during the afternoon we saw another boater (not a Looper) being towed into the marina.
Here’s one of the party boats taking folks on a cruise. Very festive!
The best news? Cally could go swimming here. Though the marina itself and it’s dinghy dock are NOT very accommodating for us to bring the dog to shore there is a park with beach right at the mooring field. So, we just went to the beach and park and skipped the marina side of things.
The park has a Tiki bar; we didn’t have time or energy to stop by there. BUT, Cally could have gone with us.
Good night from Sarasota FL