Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The LAST of the Inland River; off to Fairhope Yacht Club on Mobile Bay

Day 195 … Wed, Nov 1 … 54.2 miles; 6 hours

Tensas River Inlet to Fairhope Yacht Club, Fairhope, AL

Fairhope Nov1 (21)

Today … the end of Mobile River at mile 0. That means - NO more inland river cruising; we are off to open water and in 2 days, the Gulf Intra Coastal Waterway (GICW).

More tows today; 5 in all. After about 25 miles, we saw signs of civilization again. Industrial civilization and the Mobile Shipping Channel!

Fairhope Nov1 (23)Fairhope Nov1 (25)Fairhope Nov1 (26)

Lots and lots of AIS Targets moving about around and thru the shipping channel. None causing any issues with us moving thru the area.

Some of the military’s newest & fastest shipping being built here, too!

Fairhope Nov1 (30)Fairhope Nov1 (31)Fairhope Nov1 (33)Soon enough, we are in the open water, albeit shallow water, of Mobile Bay. YAY!!!

TheWharf 2Nov8 (4)

A short hop across the northern end of Mobile Bay and we are at Fairhope Yacht Club. Fairhope Nov1 (16)April & Larry on One Eye Dog are  members and urgedFairhope Nov1 (8) us to stop. SO GLAD we did!!

What a deal. First night FREE, including slip, power, showers/bathroom and beach! 2nd night would only be $10; but, we are only here for a night. Since it was free, we thought we should have dinner at the club. April, Debbie (GP) and Laurie (FS) raved about the food. AND, they were right. we had a wonderful meal. The staff made us feel like members.Fairhope Nov1 (7)Fairhope Nov1 (9)Fairhope Nov1 (10)

Fairhope Nov1 (19)A few scenes while walking Cally around FYC and the neighborhood.Fairhope Nov1 (20)

An incredible art sculpture from a tree destroyed during Katrina  …  the story is in the last picture. Dolphins on left trunk section with 2 birds at the top limbs and dolphins jumping on the right limb

Fairhope Nov1 (11)Fairhope Nov1 (12)Fairhope Nov1 (13)Fairhope Nov1 (14)Fairhope Nov1 (15)