Rip worked almost daily to upgrade Lab Partners (version 2.0) for our cruising plans. All the work was done while she
was on her trailer by the shop; quicker to access the right tools and more stable than in the water.
removed green stripes and replaced (left some off) with navy
Added Lab Partners logos & hailing port in navy
added 12 volt plug
removed the bitt added bow cleats and windlass
Pin came off; where windlass is now
template to cut hole in deck for windlass
(plus new rode and a Rocna anchor)
Rip putting holes in the aluminum backing plate he made for the bow cleats
added Vesper AIS with GPS (added AIS antenna removed Garmin unit and GPS)
Lots of small spaces to work in
Lots & lots of tools needed for all the various projects
made filler/mount for navigation tablet running Coastal Explorer
replaced original roof antenna cable penetration fittings with proper ones (repaired chaffed cable)
we reupholstered the aft seat (green is gone) and DriDek in cockpit
the DriDek helps Cally not slip in the cockpit
new carpet and underlayment (to smooth over floor hatches)
added third battery for engine (combine orig 2 for house)
Installed sine wave inverter/charger (and added a separate inverter outlet for micro)
replaced battery switch with a 2 bank on/off (with emergency combine)
added an automatic charging relay
added Victron battery monitor
made covers for 4 new Big B (HTM) fenders plus covers for 2 - 15" ball fenders
Grill mount & grill cover
Grill fits in feet secured to starboard platform; this then gets mounted to the gunnel
added rear shore power inlet and a selector switch (the Admiral, Beth, loves this boat has the Smart Plug power cord)
kayak roof rack (more on this later once they are deployed and I take Cally to shore in one!!)
added aft flagstaff to hardtop extension; covers made for flag & burgee
I am sure their will be more … i recently heard the Captain mumble something about solar panels. At least the boat is ready for splashing and our first ride on her!!