Pickensville Anchorage, AL to Sumpter Recreation Area Anchorage, AL
I CANNOT image cruising, much less locking, with little ones onboard. They even had baked cinnamon rolls this morning and offered one (some?) to the lockmaster. Boy, was he happy.
No problem, the lock was ready (green light & open doors) for us. That is the nice thing about anchoring by the lock you will transit the next morning … timing is much easier.
Sights along the way …
Looks nice out, right? Well, it was a great day to travel. Sun was out, no clouds, calm water and COOL. We woke to 40 degrees out; Rip turned on the diesel heat to take the chill out of the boat.
Soulstice came into the same anchorage as us tonight. Longer Days kept going. After shore dooty & showers, it was time for docktails on Soulstice, a Canadian flagged PDQ Catamaran.
We are right off the river … see the red & green buoys marking the entrance where the Tug & Barge are passing!!!
Tonight’s anchorage is a small bay with a park and boat ramp. Trash cans, too!
Tomorrow is the last lock of the Tenn-Tom. Then, we will be on the Black Warrior/Tombigbee River to Mobile. 2 more locks on that river, then we will be back in tidal water. We have not been in tidal water since we left the Hudson at the Erie Canal back in early June.