NOT a Good Stop–Marina Docks Don’t Work for the Rossi and a Visit with Friends in Miami!
Thurs, Feb 21st: Key Largo to Bill Bird Marina at Haulover Park, Miami Beach, FL
60.5 miles – 7 hours
A lot of work goes in to getting underway when anchored. First the dinghy has to come on board. This time one of the support legs was coming loose. Rip fixed quickly.
Next up, raising the anchor. Which didn't go perfectly either as the rode didn't want to fall correctly in the anchor locker, as fed by the windlass. Rip straightened that out, still the windlass didn't like pulling the rode and actually created 2 picks in it. Once the chain started coming in, all went normal. Something for Rip to noodle through in the coming days.
Sights along the way…

Our cruise was a long one; a bit hotter than previous days. We had the wind from the side or aft so little breeze thru the boat. Several larger bodies of water to travel today...Barnes Sound, Card Sound and Biscayne Bay. Barnes Sound was bumpier than we like but Rip did well moving the boat to the most comfortable route possible. He had to work hard at it. Card Sound was much better and gave hope Biscayne wouldn't be too bad. Oh well, Biscayne was was a bear. This boat doesn’t like going down sea (waves behind pushing the boat). Rip worked hard at keeping the boat in the best position and yet still on course. It was exhausting for him. I sat with Cally on the day bed to keep her in position and not moving around, as well as watching for fast boats coming up behind us. This wasn’t fun.
A planned long travel day was extended when we arrived at the marina only to find we couldn’t get Cally off the boat to the dock/sea wall.
Rip had done his usual scouting of marinas and picked Bill Bird Marina at Haulover Park as it had floating docks and was close to Frank & Susan. Problem was upon arrival we saw the concrete docks weren’t floating and were built WAY HIGHER than any other dock we has seen along the way.
We were put into a corner with no access from our stern to the rear wall. We were so low at the sea wall along side that Rip stepped off the roof of the boat to the wall. NO way to get Cally off the boat…except to lower the dinghy and take her to a floating dock to then go for a walk.

We were supposed to be here for 4 days. We couldn’t just turn around and go elsewhere, as Cally was ready to go to shore. Dinghy down, Cally to shore and back to the boat, showers for us; then dinner. Exhausting. Rip found another marina for the next 3 days!!
We did find ice cream … so, there is that.
Fri, Feb 22; Haulover Marina to Dania Beach Marina, Dania Beach, Miami
10.7 miles … 2 hours
A short run to a floating dock!!! Of course we arrive when the dockmaster is at lunch. He says to go to the courtesy dock but doesn’t explain what to look for…so we tie up to C Dock by accident and have to move again when he gets back from lunch. Much smaller and MUCH nicer marina. Except we are a LONG way to grass for Cally and showers/bathrooms, laundry for us. And, very little grass for Cally to do her business.

Sights along the way today…

BUT, we are headed off to stay with Frank & Susan. Cally has been there before and we will have lots of grass and space for her to walk. Frank picks us up on his way from the airport (arriving from a business trip to DC).
Surrounded by beach & the ocean beaches but Cally isn’t allowed to walk on the beach or the parking lot for the beach.
Frank & Susan are amazing & flexible hosts. We are not your typical sight seeing guests in Miami Beach. They had toured us on our first visit back in 2016. This time, after weeks on the boat, it was nice just to hang at their condo and spend time with them. Friday night hanging on the balcony until way too late was wonderful! But, we were busy.

First thing (before 8am) Saturday morning Rip had to have Frank take him back to the boat as our Temperature monitor went off during the night. We think it is only a wifi connection issue, BUT if electric was turned off or the AC failed (etc) we would have issues with the boat or maybe lose food in the frig and separate freezer. It’s always something. It was just a wifi issue, Rip worked through and was able to return to the condo.

Lots more walks, chats and good food … it was time to say good bye and head back to the boat.
Looper friends, Dennis & Jodi, we met at the AGLCA Rendezvous in the fall of 2016 drove down from Ft Lauderdale to see us. AND, brought bubbles to celebrate. It was great to see them again. Next time will probably be in 2021 when they plan to do the loop and will pass by the house in NC.
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