Day 66: Monday, March 25, 2019
Amelia Island GA to St Simmons, GA
44 miles … 5 hours traveled
Leaving Amelia Island Marina
Chinese fire drill as the gas cooktop wouldn't light. Rip solved the problem temporarily so we could have breakfast and get under way. He will work on it later. Probably a bad solenoid.
Sad sight at the marina. Looks like a center console sunk over night. Didn't get a pic as we did not see it until we were leaving.
Lots of tide here. Looks very shallow as we leave the marina this morning. Many Loopers don't dare come into this marina as they can only come and go on a high or rising tide. Timing isn't always when you want, or can, travel. Another positive about being on the Rossi, we can leave here on our own schedule and at low tide, if needed.
Look at the difference from yesterday
We passed Fernandina Beach. A popular stop for Loopers until a hurricane took out their docks. Heard it was under construction, but I didn't see signs of work
Cool research vessel
We leave Florida today and enter into Georgia. We passed Cumberland Island, a National Park and home to a herd of wild horses.
I would love to stop and see the wild horses but also want to move on to our marina for tonight and see Looper friends Vic and Bette. Maybe this summer I will go see the wild horses at Corolla in NC, instead.
Passed 3 inlets (boat access from the ICW to the ocean) where the sea conditions can get quite confused. The weather and current cooperated and we had a relativity easy passage through all 3.
The first was easy. The second, notorious St Andrew's Sound, required Rip's full attention. All was fine. In the photo below, that is the Atlantic Ocean in the distance.
Once settled in the marina we connected with Looper friends, Vic & Bette. Plans were quickly hatched for a tour of the island then a stop at their favorite BBQ joint. This is quite a beautiful place. My tour and guides were amazing!! No wonder they love this island, their winter home, so much. We first met Vic & Better in Little Current, Ontario, Canada in 2017.
Vic, Bette and Red Dog!!
Pics from the island tour....
Then dinner from Southern Soul with Vic, Better and Red Dog, at a covered Pavillion by the dock.
Red Dog was a great companion ... on the tour and at dinner!
All in all a great day - Easy cruising, island tour and BBQ!!
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