7 miles; 1 hour traveled by Boat
00 miles; 0 hours traveled over Land
Our view before leaving...
We are as prepared as we can be to head home. Last night rain was forecast for this morning, but gone from the forecast this morning. Reports seem to be just mostly cloudy. After breakfast Ron Widman of High Cotton followed Rip, in the truck with empty trailer, to the boat ramp. Once the rig was parked, Ron brought Rip back to the boat. Meanwhile, Cally and I went for our morning walk.
Leaving our last marina of the Great Loop.
Now, it's time we head off for the seven mile run to the boat ramp, so we can head home.
Our view back to the marina...on our way home.

Our view back to the marina...on our way home.
Just as we approached the boat ramp a little drizzle started. By the time we had the boat on the trailer and we're ready to pull out of the water the downpour started. Radar showed it wasn't stopping soon. So much for forecasts. There's a lot of work that be done before we can start driving home. Do we wait it out in the truck and probably have to stop for the night? OR?? Yes, it's OR. Rip decides to work in the down pour while Cally and I stay dry in the truck. He has to put on and secure 3 straps to hold the boat down and put on the weight distribution hitch, among other things. It takes about an hour. At least he can get into the boat for a towel to dry off and dry clothes before getting under way.
Dirt parking lot is getting awfully muddy
Cally being a very good girl, waiting for the trip home to begin. Truth be told, she HATES rain so I knew she would be good and content not to leave the truck.
Rip working in the pouring rain
Less than 30 mins later we drive out of the rain, as we head north. But one of the straps is loose and fluttering. Rip finds a place on the highway to pull over. He jumps out and resecures that strap while I hold my breath no one hits him while he is working.
Safely on our way, we head north. It's already been a long day for Rip and we still have 5+ hour of driving to get home.. We stopped for lunch and to walk Cally at a rest stop. For some unknown reason there is a line outside of the women's bathroom. No problem, I can go on the boat. Not waiting in line, we need to get moving.
We stopped close to home (ok, 30 miles away but that is close here in rural Eastern NC) for eggs and sausage so we can have breakfast tomorrow. Our refrigerator at home is empty of food. Then pop over to Bojangles for dinner. They have 6 or so "truck" parking spaces. And at almost 60' Long that's the only way we can park. Two chicken dinners later and we are on our way the last stretch home!!
Last 2 chores, putting the boat on her parking pad and taking gear upstairs. Here Rip is backing her into her spot by the 2-story workshop/garage. The house is further down the driveway by the water.
Boat unhooked and now, time to load the gear up the steps to the house.
Going to feel good sleeping in a king size bed tonight!!
We did it!!! We finished America's Great Loop!!! What a trip. An amazing experience.
However, we are not done yet. This blog will most likely morph into a blog about some projects on the house as well as future boat trips. House project include new deck ratings, a lot of grading and landscaping, dock work, plus upgrades in the house and shop/loft. Future boat trips include going back to Canada, maybe Maine, some of the side trips of the Loop we didn't do like Nashville and Chattanooga as well as.....the Pacific Northwest.
Stay tuned....
Good to be home
The next day we have our first dock guests...Tadhana and her crew. Remember them from Sanford and St Augustine.
Welcome Back!!
💕❤️🚢 Love having dock guests!!
💕❤️🚢 Love having dock guests!!
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