Baie Fine to Little Current
Pretty, but windy and cool day. Not a particularly scenic run today; but, enjoyable.
Leaving Baie Fine we passed a neat cottage situated on one island
Timing the swing bridge that only opens on the hour left us with about 1/2 hour to kill, so Rip slowed the boat down after we crossed some open water. Timing the wind, current and finding a slip on B dock (which, OBTW, we have NEVER seen) wasn’t easy. Rip got us in and settled.Another lighthouse as we near Little Current. The lighthouses are not as interesting as the lighthouses on the east coast of the US. Here, they seem to all be so similar; whereas in the US each in so different.
Slowing down in moving current is not easy and requires Rip’s fun attention to stay between the marks and not drift out and, potentially, onto rocks or a rock shelf. He did another great job. Once past the swing bridge our marina was in sight.
Fortunately – we were right by the Fish & Chips AND Ice Cream store!!
Fearing no sleep wouldn't be had by either, Rip elected to move to a slip further out the dock. GREAT decision!! A few more steps to ice cream, but we sleep great.
The original plan was for 3 nights here at the Downtown Docks in Little Current, but between weather and repairs for Firestorm, we both decided to stay 5 nights. We will move on on Sunday. This extra time allowed for more docktails and a special cocktail party.Tuesday, docktails were aboard Miss Utah, another Looper. After docktails, 10 of the 14 of us (5 boats) went to dinner in town together.
Fun was had by all … until time to leave the boat for dinner. Tom from Destinations couldn't find his shoes (must boaters take there shoes on a boat to not mar the decks, etc).
A beautiful moon over the swing bridge greeted us afterwards.
Thursday, docktails were aboard Gypsie’s Palace … too many Loopers to count, but the Leopard 47 Powercat had room to spare!
Thursday & Friday morning, I attended the Cruiser's Net VHF radio show, held at the Anchor Inn. The boating area in the Georgian Bay and North Channel has very little signal/data/phone.
Most anchorages have no bars/no signal. SO, this Cruiser’s Net was started some 14 years ago. Every morning at 9am on VHF 71, Roy provides an opportunity for any emergency situations to be addressed, the weather info, and some news & sports scores.
This is for locals and Loopers … anyone in the area! On Friday’s from 3-5pm is the Cruiser’s Net Cocktail Party at the Anchor Inn. FREE appetizers! 25 boats were represented at the party.
It’s Saturday, last day in Little Current … mostly I am working on catching the blog up as we haven’t had signal for it for SO long. Tomorrow we move on, again!!
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