There will be times coming up that it will be easier and we can run longer days ... if she will go potty on the boat. We can run longer each day if she can go pee on the boat. When on some of the inland rivers where there is only sticky mud that sucks your feet and legs … that will NOT be good for Cally’s bad ankles. There are other places we know she will need to go on the boat – like when we cross the Gulf of Mexico and we are in open waters overnight for 26+ hours. Now, she can hold it that long and vets swear it is not a problem for them to do that. Vets say dogs can go upwards of 72 hours before you need to worry about them. I would rather NOT have to put her through that if we can avoid it by training now.
During docktails this last
Gypsie's Palace, a visiting dog went to the bow and pee'ed on their dogs grass mat. That got me to thinking ...
This morning we brought their mat over to our boat and
We rubbed our mat all over their mat to transfer scent and now have
Fingers crossed, but I think she will do it!! Hope she doesn’t mind how much smaller her mat is than the one from Gypsie’s Palace.
The next trick will be going #2 on the mat. Didn't have any luck with that today.
Many thanks to Steve, Debbie, Jazzy and Mozzie!!
UPDATE: 2 nights later as folks migrated to Gypsie’s Palace again … Bette & Vic Peirce from Felix were bemoaning all they had done to get their dog to go on their boat on their mat with no success. I suggested they bring over their dog to try out the mat on the bow that now had lots of dog scents. They did … and in no time flat their dog went pee on the bow, too!!
Steve, Captain of Gypsie’s Palace is now known PEE DADDY and ready to start a dog potty training business aboard!!
Cally has not gone on her mat, yet. We’ve tried twice … she just sits on it and stares out. That’s her signal she wants to do something else/go somewhere else.
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