Charlevoix, MI to Leland, MI
I was not expecting much
and we were not going to be there long.
building have been redone or rebuilt recently and are very nice. Not a park setting, but plenty of space to walk Cally.
There is the Historic Fishtown section with authentic fishing shanties lining the canal from the small dam.
The shanties on the marina side are now tourist shops with fish market with separate smoke house, T-Shirt shops, great sandwich shop, cafe by the dam and a candy/ice cream shop for us!
There is also a large shopping district in the next block with several courtyards of shops and the Main Street of shops. All in all, a fun place to visit and walk around. I could have stayed another night here, but we want to move on south before weather stalls us again.
Day 131 ... Tues, Aug 29, 2017 ... 40.7 miles; 4:45 hours
Leland, MI to Frankfort, MI
Another calm day, perfect for traveling Lake Michigan.
We passed Sleeping Bear Dunes, as well as other sandy cliffs along the shoreline.
We headed to the fuel dock to take on 200 gallons of diesel and pump out. Then onto our slip at the municipal docks in the town of Frankfort, pulled up right in front of the Library!
Frankfort is another waterfront park setting, just not as pristine as Charlevoix and more spread out and more touristy looking.
Gypsies Palace and One Eye Dog were at another marina, just blocks away. Steve stopped by the boat to chat and I walked Cally with April and Debbie as they were coming back from the grocery store. Dave and Barb on Hallelujah arrived after us and just a couple slips over. At Charlevoix, Barb gave us lots of tips on the stops from there to Chicago. They will head out tomorrow and head on to Ludington, too.
Day 132 & 133 ... Wed, Aug 30, 2017 - Thurs, Aug 31, 2017 ... 51 miles; 6:00 hours
Frankfort, MI to Ludington, MI
Wednesday, we woke to heavy fog, happily it lifted in time for us to depart as planned.
Hallelujah was leaving earlier, but the fog delayed them to depart right with us.
The depth sounder went out, right as we left the harbor ...
Becky and Mike Magee greeted us, and Hallelujah, with gifts bags of snacks and info on Ludington.
The day and a half in Ludington was quiet; Rip and I each finished a book. Harbor View Marina isn't in town, but not too far. There is a wonderful park there, so Cally got lots of long walks and lots of people to pet her. She loves all the attention!
Our last night, we had docktails with Dave and Barb on Hallelujah to say good bye. They won't be traveling much further and not to the places where we are stopping. They are putting their boat up for the winter in two weeks, so they can cruise the North Channel and Georgian Bay next summer, and returning to Florida. Bonus, they have offered their 50' dock near Ft Myers for us to use on our way down the Florida coast this winter!! We definitely plan on stopping by to see them.
The Badger
The Badger is a 60 year old, 410' ferry; running from Ludington, MI to Manitowoc, WI daily. She is docked right by our marina, so we have great seats to watch her unique way of
She is a coal fired vessel without bow or stern thrusters; launched in 1952 and still running. "As the only coal-fired steamship in operation in the United States, the S.S. Badger operates on domestic fuel, and the company has an extraordinary commitment to maintaining a unique propulsion system that has been designated as a national mechanical engineering landmark."
Watching her dock dock is simply amazing ... as she comes into the harbor, she drops her anchor, turns with the anchor as a pivot point and then backs into her slip. The Captain changes places as she turns to finish driving her from the stern. Once docked, she pulls up her anchor again.
S.S. Badger Historical Awards & Designations
The Badger’s propulsion system designated a mechanical engineering landmark by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Badger officially named a Registered Michigan Historic Site by the Michigan Historical Commission
The Badger officially named a Registered Wisconsin Historic Site by the Wisconsin Historical Commission
Lake Michigan Carferry designated a Michigan Centennial Business by the Historical Society of Michigan
The Badger is named Ship of the Year by the Steamship Historical Society of America
The Badger is placed on the Nation Register of Historic Places by the U.S. Department of the Interior
The U.S. Department of the Interior designated the S.S. Badger as a National Historic Landmark
Ludington, MI to Muskegon, MI
Woke to 47 degrees ... I know it isn't August anymore, but gees that is still cold for summer! Becky and Mike (MV True North) helped us off the dock. We hope to see them again when they finish their Loop and, hopefully, they will stop by our dock in NC. Underway by 8:40am got us ahead of The Badger leaving port. Chrysalis was ahead of us and runs faster, so they were soon out of sight. Corkscrew and Ellis Island had AIS on as we passed their dock, so I assume they will be underway shortly and hope we see them in Muskegon. I haven't seen Sonny or Phyllis, on Corkscrew, since
Sonny helped handled lines for One Eye Dog docking as I headed off in the ambulance.
As we passed the entry for White Lake, we heard a call to the Coast Guard for a vessel overturned in White Lake. Soon we saw CG chopper and then CG boat
In the entry channel is a Submarine museum … you can tour USS Silversides and the CG Cutter.
Soon, we settled into our slip; will be here 6 days … so we rented a car to have some fun, take Cally to the park & beach and make grocery run easier … no grocery store in walking distance here.
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