Days 135-140 … Sept 2-Sept7, 2017 … Muskegon, MI
Part of our plan for our time in Muskegon included having the boat hauled out to replace zincs and just generally check out the bottom and running gear. With the Labor Day holiday, we wouldn’t be hauled until Tues or Wed. Not a big deal waiting, as strong, northwest winds are forecast making Lake Michigan no place for us to be.
Windy Lake Michigan
At least the kite boarders enjoyed it
This is why we are staying put for several days … no going out in those conditions
Plus we have lots to do; so we rented a car for 5 days. WalMart, groceries, propane tank refill, dinner/lunch out, ice cream, hair cut for me and more were on the list. We did enjoy pizza out with Mike & Marian from Midas Touch. 2 Canadian Looper boats (Lake Effect – Gil & Yvon and Lil Hide Away - Luc & Sylvie) pulled in for 2 days. They both just started their Loop from Brit / Wrights Marina. We had been there and enjoyed it.
Most importantly was a trip to the beach for Cally.
After walking in sand, running in the water … Cally got to wander thru the park. Notice her hind leg? When she is tired/sore she doesn’t bend her hind legs at the hock. Arthritis from her genetic disease, and subsequent surgery, makes it painful to bend her hocks (ankles) so she stands and walks with her hind legs more straight.
I also decided to tour the USS Silversides, an important submarine during WWII.
Luc, Sylvie, Gil & Yvon went with me. And please … no one hit the DIVE button …
Also, toured the CG Cutter McLane.
The haul out went well … since no one, including Cally, is allowed onboard during the haul out, I took Cally to shore and marina staffer went on board to help Rip in my place.
Zincs that needed changed were swapped out; while the bottom and running gear were inspected by Rip and marina staff.
All good!! Less than 30 mins out of the water and back in our slip. Uneventful - my new favorite word.
On the way back to the slip Luc & Sylvie from Lil Hide Away kept Cally for me on shore & I went with Rip on the boat to get her all snuggled back into her slip.
We have had the marina to ourselves since late Monday afternoon.
The marina is now busy putting boats away in heated storage for the winter … Only Labor Day Weekend and boats are being hauled for winter – seems so weird.
Clearly, it is time to move on south!!
Wednesday and Thursday, we mostly relaxed and read books on Kindle. Resting up before several days of non-stop travel is a good thing.
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